Friday, March 07, 2008

Please read this Post

This week is the National Bike Summit. Please read the following and hopefully something will motivate each and everyone of you to bike more!

This Morning
Well this morning I was officially named a "hard-core enthusiast" as we had a turantial downpour of rain and yes I was out there riding my bike to work. This is the third time this week I have rode in some pretty hard rain. People always look at me like I'm some sort of freak, but I believe in relativity.

Sure in relation to their nice warm and dry car, it sounds pretty crazy that I ride in the rain, snow, hail and freezing temperatures. But considering for the past 2 years and 6 months I have had ZERO expenses related to an automobile - who is crazy now?

Also, I'm not really as tough as people make it out to seem. I simply have forced myself into this scenario where I will either succeed in a major way or fail. I have managed to succeed. Another point on relativity is that I tend to read a lot of high adventure books. The last book I read was about Shakelton. When he wrote in his memoir: "the weather was nice as it warmed up to negative 50" How could I ever complain about the weather in Chattanooga relative to that?

The Daily Press (Virginia) ran an article today that asks, “Will the high price of oil help make 2008 the Year of the Bicycle?”

Copenhagen’s Two-Wheeled Congestion

March 7th, 2008

The video below is from the Knippels Bridge in Copenhagen during rush hour. Is it any wonder than Danes make up the happiest nation?

Note that a dedicated bus (and tulip truck) lane provides some separation between the cars and bikes.

Imagine how many more lanes of roadway would need to be built if these cyclists were in their own individual cars.

Thanks to the Copenhagen Cycle Chic blog for originally posting this video — “bike advocacy in heels.”

The best coverage of the National Bike Summit can be found here.

Crazy Cyclist can be found here.

A National Bike Route announced a the Bike Summit this Week


Colleen Carboni said...


I heard you rode your bike to Bike to work this morning. I wimped out and drove my car. You inspire me.

I found your blog as I was investigating starting a blog on commuting biking in Chattanooga. You beat me to it(I probably will still do it though). Great work.

Congratulations on your new little one. And good luck on your Iron Man quest. I haven't done that yet but I havae stepped up my triathlon training myself.

See you at the next bike to work and I will promise I will ride regardless of the weather. You have inpired me to do it!

Colleen Carboni

Whit and Lindsay said...

Hey Jimmy. Lindsay here, just catching up on your blog. Sorry we have been a little sidetracked with the Ada blog. (I just adore it!)
Anyway, I have actually biked in Copenhagen before and must say it is an amazing city---probably my favorite in the world. Everyone bikes. It's awesome.
Also, I was surprised to find the same thing in China. Everywhere! Even in crazy Beijing.
Keep up the good blogging..

Whit and Lindsay said...

P.S. sorry one more thing...but we got our bikes today and headed out. It was awesome.
Here's to a world-wide biking campaign!

Emily said...

Jimmy, I'm SO all over this! I'm gonna be a Pontotoc biking queen when I get home. You just wait!