Sunday, December 17, 2006

I recently had a friend who asked how he could lose 35 lbs. I (without any hesitation) told him to run a marathon. He (without hesitation) asked if there was anything else he could do since he can't run to the mailbox without being out of breath.

So I told him to quit drinking cokes. He was currently on his fifth coke (we were at dinner) and assuming there were about 150 calories in each glass and noting he had drank a couple earlier in the day, it was fairly rational to assume he had drank around 1,000 calories that day just in Coca-Cola!

I haven't heard any updates on whether he has taken the challenge, but another friend did take the challenge and lost 5 lbs the first 7 days!!!! I knew it would work but just didn't figure anybody would actually do it. Being a math geek I put some VERY interesting numbers together.

Can of Coca-Cola 140 calories
3 Cans a Day 420
420*365= 153,300

Isn't that crazy! 153,300 calories a year!

2,000 calorie a day diet

153,300/2000= 76.65

76.65/365= 21%

EVEN CRAZIER! If you stopped it would be like fasting for 76.65 days in the year or 21% of the year!!!!!

I found this neat calorie calculator for any food you can imagine

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