Friday, March 23, 2007


A lot of any type of training/preparation for any BIG event is INSPIRATION. One of the many places I for inspiration is

The sight has a lot of stuff on it, but the best in my opinion, is of course the free stuff!!!

He get's paid a lot of money, by a lot of people, and still posts all slides on his blog for free!!!!

Lastly, I have done a remarkably bad job at updating my links on the left, so that is this weekends project, along with switching out winter clothes with summer clothes.

However, one of my training buddies told me about this race

And it looks too fun!!! I think my wife and I are going to do it with him and his wife so I am super pumped!

This weekend my goal is do some hard training, but have an amazing time, so I'll update you on that goal Sunday, as hopefully, I'll be drinking a cold one, thinking about my achievments!

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