Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Last year was great of-course because I became an "Ironman" the obvious goal since I had that great conversation on a road trip with my friend Kevin. Now I'm "stuck" with a blog titled "My Path To The Ironman" What to do?

Well, for one, if you have been consistently reading this blog you know that there is more to my life than just 140.6 miles and that there are more "things" both tangible and intangible (but mostly intangible) that I consider an Ironman.

Yet, there will be changes. My goal for the blog this year is to have more frequent posts, more of a following, and more personal pictures. So keep me accountable. These are the goals for the blog this year, who know where it will lead...

If there is anything you would like to see or hear about please leave a comment, email, or call. If there is anything you dislike or like comment, email or call.

1 comment:

Becca said...

I want to read more about your opinions/professional predictions regarding the economy and key issues in current news...I do love reading about your training: it's extremly motivating!